On February 9th, some of our members ran and volunteered the Lovestruck 5k this downtown! We had a great turnout, some fast times, and ate some well-deserved pancakes at Lincoln Square Pancake House afterwards. Colin Harts placed 5th overall in a time of 19:44.38 and was first in his age group. Jonny Riggins placed 7th overall in a time of 19:48.30 and was second in his age group. Jen Barton placed 17th overall in a time of 21:45.62 and was first in her age group. Tori Bomba placed 18th overall in a time of 21:51.31and was second in her age group. Anna Nelsen placed 20th overall in a time of 22:21.76 and was third in her age group. Shoutout to members Evan Buck and Alyssa Ritter who volunteered at the race! Full results can be found here.

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