We appreciate you considering donating to our Club team. By using the giving link and following the instructions below your payment will directly impact the Butler Men’s Club Basketball team.  Your donation will go a long way to ensuring the growth and continued success of Butler University Men’s Club Basketball!

Donations to our club are 100% tax deductible!

Donation Instructions:

  1. Visit the Butler University Giving Page
  2. Under “Designations” click “Other designations / give to multiple designations”
  3. In the pop-up box scroll to the bottom where it states “Support a Different Area”
  4. Click “Other (I will list a specific gift designation in the “Notes” section.)”
  5. In “Notes for ‘Other’ Designation(s):” please type in:
    • “Men’s Club Basketball” rather than “Club Basketball”

You’re all done!!

Thank you for considering donating to Butler University Men’s Club Basketball! We appreciate your continued support!