
SGA rewards funds to the Club Sports Council (CSC) with advising from the Department of Recreation. CSC then allocates the money by club compliance and budgetary need.  Clubs can earn credit toward higher allocations throughout the year by staying in compliance and meeting deadlines. Club Sports Council decides the amount of allocation that each club receives based on the items below (not limited to):

Club Sport Meetings Attendance

  • Meeting attendance is a big factor in allocation amount. This is a big indicator of how committed your club is. If your club has poor attendance at club sports meetings you will likely have lower allocations.

Semester Reports

  • Clubs that do not submit their end of semester forms to CSC will not receive allocations. If CSC does not know what your club needs are, they cannot determine what the club should be allocated. Make sure your paperwork is turned in on time. This includes Activity Reports, Elections Reports, and Budget Requests (spring only).

Number of active members

  • Clubs that continue to have consistent or growing membership are looked at favorably during the allocation process. CSC wants clubs to be sustainable and continue to operate each year with sufficient membership. Number of active members per club is determined by your roster on IM Leagues. Each member is required to fill out a waiver upon joining a team.

Number of events hosted/attended

  • The number of events that a club has traveled to and the number of events that a club has hosted are included in the allocation process. If a club is attending and/or hosting a large number of events, they are more likely to receive higher funding because they are getting the most out of their funding.

Budget/Sport’s Expense

  • The amount that a sport actually costs to play is another factor that is included in the allocations process. An example of this is (with all other factors being even) a sport like Curling, which needs ice time and equipment rental, may receive more funding than a sport like Basketball, which does not require rental fees for practice. CSC also takes into account travel expenses, entry fees and other miscellaneous expenses of a club sport.

Social Media/Public Relations

  • CSC takes into account a club’s use of social media during the allocation process. CSC wants to see clubs that are actively promoting their club through multiple social media outlets. Keeping your blog up to date with officers, rosters and results from events is key when allocations are distributed. Clubs will be appealing to prospective students and can also help a club spark more interest.


  • Clubs that charge dues are more likely to receive higher amounts of funding if it is requested because they have shown their club members’ commitment and are not relying purely on their allocations.


  • Similar to collecting dues, this shows that the club is trying to find other ways to increase their funds other than just allocations, and it shows a commitment to the club by members. Clubs that attempt fundraisers have a higher chance of getting their full funding request.

Community Service

  • Community service as a club is a factor in the allocations process because a club that is doing service projects demonstrates that their club is not only getting money and competing, but they are also using their position to develop their players as people, as well as giving back to the community.
  • For a list of available volunteer opportunities, please visit the Volunteer Center page!

Club Accomplishments

  • Although we will not cut funding if a club team has a poor record, we like to see improvement throughout the year within teams. Accomplishments can be a club attending a major competition for the first time, significantly increasing their membership, or putting together a successful fundraiser.

CSC Grants

  • Clubs that have utilized, or at least attempted to utilize, the CSC club sports grants may receive higher funding than those who have not. Again, this is a way that clubs can show that they are using the money that they receive and putting it towards the bettering of their club. For more information regarding SGA grants, please see our CSC Grants page.

Further Questions?

Please contact a CSC officer for more information.