
There are a number of different services Butler provides that clubs have access to promote their clubs as well as a number of resources clubs can utilize on their own!

HRC Marketing Department- Events Promotion

Every week the Club Sports Undergraduate Assistant sends out a weekly email to the HRC Marketing Department with a list of club events.The marketing team will create a graphic and promote them on our different social media platforms. The events will also be placed and promoted on the University Calendar.

To ensure that your club events are being promoted, you must complete either a Travel Request or Home Match Notification form by Wednesday at 10am.

Butler Connection Submissions

The Butler Connection is a daily email (M-F) that goes out to students, faculty, and staff of the Butler Community. There is a faculty/staff version and a student version. Submit an announcement here!

Social Media

Clubs are expected to have social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram,etc.) and to update these accounts at least once a month. Please note that it is your responsibility to keep track of the passwords as the Club Sports department does not have access to these accounts. We strongly suggest that you create a document in your club’s file storage with a list of the accounts and their passwords.

Clubs are also expected to follow @butlerhrc and tag them in any posts and we will repost to our followers!

Need help creating a graphic for your social media or have any questions?
Please contact

Individual clubs are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of their club websites.  All pages must portray a positive image of the University and the Club Sports Program.  Out of date or inappropriate pages will be deactivated from the Club Sports home page.

Signs/Posters/Table Tents/Napkin Holders

The PuLSE office is responsible for approving all signs, posters, table tents. Approval, not endorsement, is shown by utilizing our PuLSE stamp.

For the full list of rules please see Publicity on Campus.