Financial Support


Funding for Clubs
Available SGA funds will be allocated by club compliance and budgetary need. The Club Sports Council meets at the end of each year to allocate funds to club sports that have submitted their end of semester reports. The allocation criteria are as follows:

  •  Current Account Balance/Activity
    • If a club has not utilized the funds that they were allocated the previous year, that will be taken into consideration and can be cause for CSC to lower allocations. In the opposite situation, if a club has used all of their funding from the previous year, this can be cause for CSC to raise allocations.
  • Dues
    • Clubs that charge dues are more likely to receive higher amounts of funding if it is requested because they have shown their club members’ commitment and are not relying purely on their allocations.
  • Fundraising
    • Similar to collecting dues, this shows that the club is trying to find other ways to increase their funds other than just allocations, and it shows a commitment to the club by members. Clubs that attempt fundraisers have a higher chance of getting their full funding request.
  • Club Sports Forms
    • Clubs that do not submit their end of semester forms to CSC will not receive allocations. If CSC does not know what your club needs are, they cannot determine what the club should be allocated. Make sure your paperwork is turned in on time.
  • Events
    • The number of events that a club has traveled to and the number of events that a club has hosted are included in the allocation process. If a club is attending and/or hosting a large number of events, they are more likely to receive higher funding because they are getting the most out of their funding.
  • Sport Expense
    • The amount that a sport actually costs to play is another factor that is included in the allocations process. An example of this is (with all other factors being even) a sport like Curling, which needs ice time and equipment rental, will receive more funding than a sport like Basketball, which can practice at the HRC and only needs Basketballs.
  • SGA/Club Sport Meetings Attended
    • Meeting attendance is a big factor in allocation amount. This is a big indicator of how committed your club is. If your club has poor attendance at SGA and/or club sports meetings you will likely have lower allocations.
  • SGA Grant Proposal
    • Clubs that have utilized, or at least attempted to utilize, the SGA club sports grants will receive higher funding than those who have not. Again, this is a way that clubs can show that they are using the money that they receive and putting it towards the bettering of their club.
  • Community Service
    • Community service as a club is a factor in the allocations process because a club that is doing service projects is showing that their club is not only getting money and competing, but they are also using their position to develop their players and people, as well as giving back to the community.

SGA Grants
Since Club Sports are allocated specific funds from SGA there is limited grant accessibility. Organizations must send representatives to student government meetings and/or REACH and meet the attendance requirement in order to be eligible for SGA grants. SGA and REACH grant guidelines can be found online at . The grant process is done completely through SGA, not the PuLSE office.

Butler does not take responsibility for contracts signed by club sport representatives.