2017-2018 Goals:
- Scoreboards and Bleachers for West Campus
- Become more accessible to Club Sports Participants
2016-2017 Goals:
- Increase club sports funding
- Scoreboards and bleachers for West Campus
- Create a reward system for attending other club events
2015-2016 Goals:
- Create Club Sports newsletter distributed University-wide
- Create individualized emails for each Club Sport
- Revamp CSC Website
- Prospective Student Information page
- Integrate IMLeagues into Club Sports
2014-2015 Goals:
- Presidential Schedules for each club
- Social Event for all Club Officers
- Clearly Outline Monetary Awards Available
- End of the Year Awards for Club Teams
- Prospective Student Tab
2013-2014 Accomplishments:
- Implement Awards System for Allocations
- Increased Social Media Presence
- Created CSC OA Manual
2012-13 Goals:
- Club online stores
- Revisit allocation process/forms
- Multimedia and promotions
- Fundraising
2011-12 Accomplishments:
- CSC Handbook (Final)
- Club Blog/websites
- Revisit allocation process/forms
2010-11 Accomplishments:
- CSC Handbook Draft
- CSC Logo
- New Promotional Pieces
- Grant system for SGA Grants
2009-10 Accomplishments:
- New Allocation system
- SGA Presentation (allocations)